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2-3 stalk Bamboo in vase
4-6 stalk bamboo in vase
Bamboo Gifts & Sets
Bamboo & Crystal Rocks
White Vase
Straight bamboo
Spiral bamboo in vase
Crystals & Smudge Kits
Hanging Crystal Decor
New Age Tools & Supplies
Animal Themed Vases
Design with LED lights
Incense Burner
All items
2-3 stalk Bamboo in vase
4-6 stalk bamboo in vase
Bamboo Gifts & Sets
Bamboo & Crystal Rocks
White Vase
Straight bamboo
Spiral bamboo in vase
Crystals & Smudge Kits
Hanging Crystal Decor
New Age Tools & Supplies
Animal Themed Vases
Design with LED lights
Incense Burner
Black Zen Rock Ceramic Vase with 3 styles of Lucky Bamboo plants. Gift with Peace Love and Joy. Great for meditation altar, birthday and fun
Good Health Blessings!!! 7 stalks Lucky Bamboo in door plants in a glass vase. No Sunlight needed. Just roots in water and keep in door!
Indoor Live Plants - 6 stalks of lucky bamboo arrangements in a 3.25"H x 4"W round clear glass vase. US seller, 2 days fast shipping.
Luck Wealth and Long Life. 3 stalks Lucky Bamboo Spiral gift in a Money Jar ceramic vase tied with lucky brass coin. Prosperity blessing set
5 pcs Lucky Bamboo + 1 Spiral in door plants in a thick square glass vase. No Matter How Twisted Life gets, you will always Wind Up on Top!
Indoor Live Plants - 4 stalks of lucky bamboo spiral arrangements in a thick square clear glass vase. US seller, 2 days fast shipping.
Indoor Live Plants - 4 stalks of lucky bamboo spiral arrangements in a clear glass vase. US seller, 2 days fast shipping.
Indoor Live Plants - 3 stalks of lucky bamboo arrangements in a thick round clear glass vase. US seller, 2 days fast shipping.
Indoor Live Plants - 4 stalks of lucky bamboo spiral arrangements in a thick round clear glass vase. US seller, 2 days fast shipping.
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